Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Diapering an 80 lb. Dog

It's taken us six months, but we've finally come up with a routine that is minimizing the "yuck" of Tippi's incontinence.

No, we haven't figured out what is causing her incontinence and we've gone back to the vet to figure out why she drinks so much water (a gallon to a gallon and a half in a 24 hour period). The Geriatric Blood Profile came up with a lot of things that were just a little out of whack. One possible diagnosis is Cushing 's disease (an adrenal gland problem). So, we had the vet perform an ACTH test. The results were inconclusive — of course. And of course there is another test, and even if that test comes back with a Cushing's diagnosis there is more testing, expensive medications, no cure, etc. I've left it up to Charlie as to whether or not we pursue this as I'm comfortable with where we're at right now.

I control her water intake, keeping it to a little less than a gallon a day. It seems to be the minimum amount before she starts searching out water from bath tub drips and toilets with the seat up. And through a process of elimination, no pun intended, we've found a pair of cotton doggy britches lined with a baby diaper while she's in the house keeps everything clean and dry.

We initially tried the doggy diapers, but with Tippy at 80+ pounds they just didn't make anything big enough. And the cheapest I could find came out to about $2.00+ per diaper. The britches we ordered fit well and are easy to get on and off, but they're made of cotton and would just soak through. First we tried lining the britches with adult incontinence pads, but they didn't hold enough and leaked out of the sides. Trying baby diapers, I cut a slit for her tail and pinned them to the inside of the britches. I quickly discovered that the cut edges needed to be sealed – pee soaked fiber and gel falling out of the diaper is not cool. Also, there was still a leakage issue.

Next I opted to cut a hole out of the seat of the diaper. It worked, but it was a real "pain-in-the-ass" to cut until my co-workers suggested I try the die-cutting machine.

I place the die where I want the tail hole.

Position the press and mash the buttons.

Out pops the "donut hole" to be thrown away.

I seal the edges with duct tape, a good TV watching activity. I've had fun catching up on old episodes of Doctor Who. The "monsters" are hysterical.

Finally, we pin the diaper into the britches. We opted for black britches so they wouldn't be as noticeable on her, but I think I'm about to embellish a pair for parties and visiting the nursing home.

And there you have it … a 99% leak free dog!

Final thoughts:
Key tip – never, never, never forget to take the diaper off before you let her out to do her business 'cause some business is just too gross to have to clean out – if you get my drift.

Charlie and I never expected to be clipping baby diaper coupons or buying the industrial size boxes at Costco. I think it's almost like sending him in to buy feminine hygiene products.

We are somewhat convinced that there is an invisible sign over my head that only dogs and cats can see that says "Make her love you. She will put up with anything and take good care of you no matter what is wrong with you or how much of your life is left," which will mean I'll need to work on my negotiation skills to convince Charlie about the next addition to our family.

It does get me down when I consider how many years of this I have ahead of me – but it's doable – and I was raised to believe that you keep moving forward with what you have. You don't give up just because it gets inconvenient.

Although I'm sure my mom will tell you she did not mean for that to apply to animals.


Vikki's Epicurean Adventures said...

You are such a good person!

MaryAnn Mease said...

thanks for your story. we have a 10 year old Akita who is leaking constantly and as we live in the South, cannot keep him outside in the heat. we were running out of options and to rely on product testimonials is sketchy. I was looking for a real life testimonial to the success rate of using diapers on large dogs. yours sounds like it can work. at least he can come inside during the heat of the day and not create such a stinkin mess everywhere. thank you.