Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lessons Learned

Funny, but it seems like I learn more lessons about myself working at the shelter than I do about the dogs I take photos of.
Last week was a reminder about how sweet and cuddly the non-fluffy dogs can be.
Nadia (ID: 51692)
Nadia was my gentle Pittie mix of the week. She jumped on me a couple of times, but was treat- motivated and such a beauty. We got some wonderful headshots.
Warren (ID: 51994)
Warren was just a big goof. Yep, a big, sweet, goofy boy who was just looking for someone to play with him.
Denzel (ID: 51673)
Denzel and Ebony were the extreme cuteness puppy types. Denzel was a little shy, but he was definitely “working it” with the pawing of the air.
Ebony (ID: 51676)
And Ebony was so docile I could hardly get her to sit up for a photo.
I worked the Cary Rabies Clinic on Saturday and came to the determination that working with the public and their dogs was not my favorite. A couple of people were getting frustrated with their dogs (for no good reason, in my estimation) and I did not like how they treated them in their human frustration. Of course their dogs were acting skittish — there were dozens of other dogs there and just as many strange people!

Petunia (ID: 47086) & Copper (ID: 49840) - Fosters Available for Adoption

I’m looking forward to getting back to taking photos this week. I definitely prefer spending time with the dogs over spending it with the people. ;)

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