Fluffy or Not I Love Them All
It's always good when I can get back into the shelter after life's chaos has kept me away. I was finally able to get there last Thursday for one of my regular sessions, and then Saturday I met up with "Jenny" and we did dress-up photo shoots.
Sienna |
Of course, it's always a good day for me when I get to love on a Chow Chow. This is Sienna, who is a petite sweetie that just wants to cuddle. And even though she jumps on you to get your attention she doesn't pounce on you like a lot of dogs. She sort of hovers in mid-air and then gently falls into your arms.
[I am very sad, disappointed, - no, angry to have to say that Sienna was euthanized on Tuesday, April 19 for a (suspect) upper respiratory infection. It took over a year, but volunteering at the shelter finally brought me to tears. I need to figure out how to make sure that this doesn't happen to such a sweet Chow again.]
Suzanna (ID: 50698) |
Suzanna was one of those dogs who surprised me – not because of her personality but because of her stature. I figured she was some sort of a Bulldog mix puppy; instead she's full grown at three years old and only 34 pounds. They say she's a Beagle/Bull Terrier mix. She's a little skittish of quick movement and a raised hand but warmed up quickly with a wagging tail.
Alice |
We had a blast on Saturday putting pups in costume and trying to get their photo before they took it off. We started with Alice. Her name is really Jasmine but I changed it to Alice 'cause she looks like she's wearing Alice Cooper style eye make-up. After meeting her I think her name needs to be changed – she is not an Alice, not even of the Cooper type; maybe Daisy to go along with her hippie headband. A friend at work said we should change her name to Cleopatra to go with her eye make-up. Even some of the other photos I took showed a different side of her. She was sweet and well behaved during our photo shoot. She's a little hard to adopt out because her previous owners say that she is not good with dogs, cats, or small children. She doesn't seem to pay much attention to other dogs walking by her kennel … maybe it's time for a re-test.
Raza |
Raza is a wonderful boy. Doesn't he just look adorable in his business attire? I also love this photo that seems to be saying, "And why haven't you come by and adopted me yet?"
Jack Sparrow (ID: 50944) |
And we had to do this costume shoot – I mean after all he has an eye patch and is named Jack Sparrow.
Pepper |
Princess Pepper is one of those sweet elder dogs – I love the look on her face as we put her little hat on – so sweet. She was adopted shortly after our photo shoot – Yea!
And then there is Riley and her Hello Kitty ensemble. Patrick had bought the Hello Kitty sweatshirt but it was too small for his dog so he donated it to the shelter for photo ops just like this. I had been looking all morning for a pup that it would fit. As "Jenny" and I came to do Riley's lady bug photos she saw the Hello Kitty blanket in her kennel and we knew there would have to be a costume substitution. Those ears kept popping up and out of the little hood. Too cute!
Riley (ID: 49505) |
I will be back on Thursday to take more photos. I won't give up on these guys. I won't.
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