Tuesday, September 28, 2010


You’d think with a building bursting with fuzzy cute animals for me to visit that motivation wouldn’t be an issue. How could anyone who cares turn her back on a face like this?

I’ve been volunteering at the Wake County Animal Center since the end of May. I’m there every week for at least two hours and spend another couple of hours at home working on stuff. In the beginning I had a real sense of pride seeing my photos on the Adoption Gallery web site. There were only a couple of us taking pictures so it was easy to spot my work, so many of my friends told me. Yet these days the really good photos are being taken outdoors where the light is good and the dogs have cute little scarves on. It’s not my preferred doggie photo shoot method. I work by myself inside the kennels. With so many photographers, it also means that the majority of dogs have good photos; the ones that need a good photo taken are usually on the hyper side, which is a challenge.

I’ve taken on other duties that give me satisfaction: Organizing the volunteer supply area, writing biographical summaries, and keeping the Foster Board up to date. Even so, there is so much to do in these areas. I feel completely behind in the Foster Board upkeep and haven’t written any biographies in weeks. I didn’t think I spent that much time on the volunteer supply organizing … again, energy levels are quickly dropping.

Last Thursday I gave up taking photos after only two dogs, Lucy and Buster. My enthusiasm was sapped. It was hot and muggy. I was tired of the gown and glove changing hassle. I didn’t have the energy to deal with the chaos of some poor pup so desperate for attention that it literally loses its mind when you unlock its kennel. The lights had been turned off for the evening. Yes, I know how to turn the lights back on but it added to the loneliness of it all, that and most all of the staff were gone for the day and there were only one or two Fido Fitness volunteers. That was the first time that my two favorite things, photography and dogs, were not enough to combat lack of motivation. How could that be? Look at these little faces. How can they not be completely motivating?

So, how do I get my volunteer energy levels back? Well, I love the Center. I’m inspired by the people who work there. Folks who love animals as much as any “rescue site” volunteer, but who have one helluva job to do under the constraints of county government and the overwhelming influx of the most adorable animals you’ll ever meet. I will remember that just because I am one of many does not mean that my contribution is any less valuable to these cats and dogs. Every effort made by every single volunteer is vital to making sure that one more cat or one more dog finds that permanent home where they will be loved as they deserve to be loved.

I am a small town/farm girl from Minnesota. I know how to pick up and keep going. I will be at the Center every Thursday after work (unless I have Bible Study and then I’ll be there on Tuesday). I will make a master plan to get all the foster babies on the Board. I will find an extra couple of hours over the weekend to write biographies. I will not let these animals down.

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