Saturday, March 23, 2013

You Can Meet Some Sweet Dogs ...

in a very short time.

In my last blog post I talked about wanting to go to the Wake County Animal Center (WCAC) weekly to take pics and just as in previous weeks my good intentions were becoming just that. I had to put a stop to the procrastination and told myself if all I did was get a pic of one dog then I was back on the right path.

And I did it, in my work clothes and everything. I was able to capture these four lovelies in pixels.

Milk Duds (WCAC ID: 85486)
Milk Duds is a sweet Pittie momma who reminds me of my own foster. She is very gentle in taking treats but you can see by her ribs she needs an extra meal or two with her helping of love.

Butters (WCAC ID: 85635)
Butters is a hoot. Her card said she was a stray but staff said she was surrendered because she got too big. She needs regular exercise, training, a "job," and I can see her being a wonderful part of an active family.

Tellhim (WCAC ID: 85619)
What an elegant young man is Tellhim, and he was such a gentleman while I was in his kennel. He’s a little camera shy and has a much softer look when there isn't a camera in his face.

Fluffy (WCAC ID: 840578)
And last, but in no way least, there's Fluffy. Her elder dog story is one that pulls on your heart because her family lost their home and could no longer care for her. The information they left on her talks about the love and affection she deserves in her new home.

Please check out the WCAC Adoption Gallery for all the lovelies that need a new home. Better yet, take a ride over to the Center — they're open seven days a week, and you too will meet a lot of sweeties in a short time.

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