Thursday, August 15, 2013


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dog Dump

We may not be as full of dogs as in weeks past, but we are full of cats. It hurts my heart to meet all these wonderful pups who were found on the streets and it hurts even more for those who were dumped at the shelter for one reason or another.

Here are the sweeties that I’ve had the opportunity to photograph over the last several weeks. Some have found their new homes and some are now running free in the fields by the Rainbow Bridge.
Princess (reclaimed)
Red (adopted)
Messiah (eu/aggression)
Tyga Jr. (WCAC ID: 89963)
Krispy Bunny (adopted)
Cuader (eu/biter)
Julian (adopted)
Newton-John (adopted)
Flash (adopted)
Snoop Twerkster (rescued)
Big Pappa (reclaimed)
Mary Faith (reclaimed)
Hamilton (WCAC ID: 87188)
Kelvin (WCAC ID: 90120)
Rocky (rescued)
Piper (adopted)
Cammy Kare (rescued)
Jaxon (adopted)
Lucky (WCAC ID: 86571)
Roofus (WCAC ID: 91233)
Tomatilla (WCAC ID: 91281)
Blue (adopted)
Smiley (adopted)
Please visit the Wake County Animal Center adoption gallery ( and find your new family member today.